
Pride 2021|CLE|6.5.21

My first Pride in Cleveland and may I say, Cleveland came out (no pun intended)! Coming from New York where Pride is elevated to its fullest, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Cleveland but I was definitely impressed. It wasn’t my background of floats and people behind barricades. It was just lines of cars going through the area, reviving and giving honks; cheers out windows, homes, the streets. The starting point was at Edgewater Park (first time being there as well) and there was just love radiating through the air. Compliments and hugs, laughter and love under the hot sun. Absolutely peaceful and absolutely animated. Costumes and all kinds of exciting characters parading about. Even saw and pet a skunk (I know right?)! What a time to enjoy and celebrate a culture and livelihood of those amongst us as individuals who are not afraid to let the world know how much they love themselves and their community. Speaking up for those still trapped, for those lost through hate and for the future to come. As an ally, I stand strong and proud for my family and friends, associates and strangers who wear their colors loud. The day is coming of love, where hate will be the minority. For now, please have a look and enjoy the moments I’ve captured through this wonderful day. Stay prideful and proud.